National Tel : 0861040506
International Tel : +27117925226
Cellular : 0832514312 / +27832514312
FALL ARREST - SPANSET Rescue Solutions

Industry Sectors that require Rescue & Evacuation
Work at height can be a hazardous activity. It is essential therefore that we address all the hazards present and reduce the associated risks wherever possible. Correct selection of equipment and training are an essential part of this process. However whilst some hazards are easy to identify, other less obvious hazards can have equally devastating effects.
Where a fall protection solution allows the user to fall into a full body harness this is not necessarily the end of the issue. When contemplating working at height, and in particular when considering the use of a fall arrest system, employers need to consider any emergency or rescue procedures that may be required and the drawing up of an emergency and rescue plan.
Emergency procedures need to be considered for reasonably foreseeable circumstances. The measures need to be covered in the risk assessment and planned prior to the work activity being carried out. The key is to get the person down safely in the shortest possible time and before the emergency service response. If employers cannot do this, then harness work is not the correct system of work. Following completion of an evidence based review of published medical literature, HSE has clarified guidance on the first aid management of a person falling into suspension in a harness who may develop suspension syncope (previously known as suspension trauma)
It is essential that all safety products are fit for purpose, but unlike many other safety products when a rescue kit is required you need it to work first time. You cannot “suspend” the operation and come back another day, the casualty requires assistance and the kit must perform.
This is why all Gotcha Rescue kits have been independently tested to prove their capabilities. They are then individually proof tested prior to despatch. This ensures that the product is fit for purpose when supplied.
Add to that the individual serial numbering that is on all SpanSet products and the control and inspection is also simplified.
RESCUE - is where the casualty is:
In imminent danger if their situation is not resolved.
Unable to escape a situation unaided.
EVACUATION - is where the casualty is:
Is not in imminent danger.
Cannot remain in their situation indefinitely.
Can escape the situation without assistance.
The key recommendations are:
No change should be made to the standard first aid guidance for the post recovery of a semi-conscious or unconscious person in a horizontal position, even if the subject of prior harness suspension.
No change should be made to the standard UK first aid guidance of ABC management, even if the subject of prior harness suspension.
A casualty who is experiencing pre-syncopal symptoms or who is unconscious whilst suspended in a harness should be rescued as soon as is safely possible.
If the rescuer is unable to immediately release a conscious casualty from a suspended position, elevation of the legs by the casualty or rescuer where safely possible may prolong tolerance of suspension.
First responders to persons in harness suspension should be able to recognise the symptoms of pre-syncope. These include light headedness; nausea; sensations of flushing; tingling or numbness of the arms or legs; anxiety; visual disturbance; or a feeling they are about to faint. (Motionless head up suspension can lead to pre-syncope in most normal subjects within 1 hour and in a fifth within 10 minutes.)

Suitable for Rescue from Fall Arrest Lanyards and Fall Arrest Blocks
This is a no-cut kit.
The casualty is raised to release their original attachment
Rescue direction. You can raise or lower the casualty with this kit
Pre-assembled. No assembly is required by the user
Remote attachment. The casualty can be attached from a point of safety
Single person use. The Gotcha is for raising or lowering a single person
Maximum Working Length. The Gotcha kit is available in four lengths. The following is a guide to assist when selecting a Gotcha kit.
Colour coding. The kit is colour coded for simplicity
Independently tested to EN: 1496.
To rescue from Fall Arrest Blocks you need to order a Gotcha Kit from the table below and a GRABBA refer to page 4.
Gotcha Rescue Kit
The original kit in the range, designed for tradesmen who work at height.
The Gotcha rescue kit is a unique solution to a problem faced by all workers at height who use PPE for protection against falls. Whereas most rescue provision has focused on the more extreme activities carried out at height, the Gotcha kit is designed for tradesmen who use common items of fall protection. In the event of a fall their situation if suspended in a harness is just as serious as any other worker and a swift recovery is essential. The kit will work effectively with conscious or unconscious casualties, the rescuer can carry out the rescue from a point of safety, the rescue can be carried out by a single person, no cutting is required and you can raise or lower the casualty in a controlled manner to the nearest point of safety.

The GRABBA is an optional add-on to the GOTCHA KIT.
It enables the rescue of persons suspended from retractable fall arrest devices, and flexible line fall arresters, using rope or wire. These devices conform to EN360 and EN353-2 respectively
Enviro Sealed Kit
Gotcha ADD
Environmental Sealing of kits ensures that the equipment remains in the same condition that it was when packed in the factory.
The benefits of this are;
kits cannot be tamper with while sealed in the bag
the sealed environment prevents contamination
scheduled inspections only need to confirm that the seal is still intact
no pre-use check required as the kit is packed “ready to use“
Suitable for evacuation from:
Straddle Carriers, Dock Cranes, Elevated work platforms, etc Evacuation direction.
The GOTCHA ADD lowers the evacuee at a constant rate and is ideal for a unobstructed decent to a point of safety Pre-assembled
No assembly is required by the user Multiple Evacuees
The kit is designed to be used for multiple descents in an emergency One person use
The GOTCHA ADD is rated for loads up to 225kg Maximum Working Length
The GOTCHA ADD kit is available in lengths up to 200 metres CE EN: 341 Class A
Evacuation kits may be needed to escape from elevated platforms, vehicle cabs, or machinery if the worker cannot use the normal way of access & egress.

Evacuation kits may be needed to escape from elevated platforms, vehicle cabs, or machinery if the worker cannot use the normal way of access & egress.
Suitable for evacuation from:
High structures where constant rate lowering and minimal user input are required.
Evacuation direction:
The GOTCHA ADD PLUS is ideal for a decent where the worker may have to negotiate obstructions to reach a point of safety Pre-assembled
No assembly is required by the user Multiple Evacuees
The kit is designed to be used for multiple descents in an emergency One person use
The GOTCHA ADD is rated for loads up to 225kg Maximum Working Length
The GOTCHA ADD kit is available in lengths up to 200 metres CE EN: 341 Class A
Gotcha ADD Plus
Evacuation kits may be needed to escape from elevated platforms, vehicle cabs, or machinery if the worker cannot use the normal way of access & egress.
Suitable for evacuation from:
Very Narrow Isle Trucks, Elevated work platforms, etc Evacuation direction
The GOTCHA EVAC II is a descent evacuation kit and requires the evacuee to descend to a point of safety Pre-assembled
No assembly is required by the user Lone Evacuation
The kit is designed for a worker to be able to evacuate themselves in an emergency One person use
The GOTCHA EVAC II is rated for loads up to one person use (100kg) Maximum Working Length
The GOTCHA EVAC kit is a 20 metre descent rescue kit CE EN1284
Gotcha Evac II

This is a no cut kit. The casualty is raised to release their original attachment.
Rescue direction. You can lower the casualty to safety and additionally it is possible to raise a casualty for limited distances.
Evacuation direction. The user can descend to safety at a constant rate controlled by the device.
Pre assembled. No assembly is required by the user - Assisted rescue. The rescuer accesses the casualty in order to recover them.
Lone evacuation. A single person can descend to safety.
Multiple Evacuation. Once the first user has safely descended the system can be used by additional users in quick succession.
Two person use. The Gotcha CRD is rated for loads up to 225kg
Maximum working lengths. The Gotcha CRD is available in lengths of up to 100 metres for loads up to 225kg. For loads up to 150kg
it is available in lengths of up to 400 metres.
CE EN: 341 Class A.
Suitable for evacuation from High Structures where constant rate lowering and minimal user input are required.
Gotcha CRD Reach includes a remote attachment Pole and Frog Connector
Gotcha CRD Standard does not include the Pole and Frog Connector
Suitable for Rescue from Fall Arrest Lanyards, Vertical Fall Arrest Systems and Webbing Fall Arrest Blocks
Bladeless cutting. The casualty is released by cutting their primary attachment with a unique bladeless cutter for safety and accuracy
Rescue direction. The SHARK is a descent rescue kit and rescue entails the rescuer descending to the casualty collecting them and descending to safety
Pre-assembled. No assembly is required by the user - Assisted Rescue. The rescuer accesses the casualty in order to recover them.
Two person use. The Gotcha SHARK is rated for loads up to 300KG in normal use.
Maximum Working Length. Gotcha SHARK kits are available in the following lengths which define their working length. 30 Metre, 50 Metre, 66 Metre and 100 metre lengths
CE EN: 341 Class D.

A rescue kit that is ideal for those who consider work at height a key part of their skill such as those who work on towers and masts.
Suitable for Rescue from - Fall Arrest Lanyards, Vertical Fall Arrest Systems and Webbing Fall Arrest blocks
Cut Rescue - The casualty is released by cutting their primary attachment with a safety knife
Rescue direction - The ID Comms Kit is a descent rescue kit and rescue entails the rescuer descending to the casualty collecting them and descending to safety
Pre-assembled - No assembly is required by the user
Assisted Rescue - The rescuer accesses the casualty in order to recover them.
Two person use - The ID Comms Kit is rated for loads up to 250KG in normal use.
Maximum Working Length – ID Comms kits are available in 75m or 120m lengths
CE EN: 341 Class A
ID Comms Kit
Experienced line rescue teams can specify their own bespoke kits
Made from a range of high quality components
Kit will be supplied in a waterproof role top kit bag
Kit bag features carry handles, shoulder straps and tamper tagging facility
For further information please contact our Technical Sales Team
Bespoke Line Rescue Kits

Suspension Loop
The use of a “suspension loop” is an addition to any rescue system that can help to alleviate the effects of post fall suspension. However this must not be seen as a solution to the problem and is also of little use to unconscious casualties. It can therefore be classed as an intermediate measure and rescue must follow. This is not an item of PPE. MBXS 160kg
Carry Bags
They are:
Clearly identifiable as emergency rescue equipment
Weatherproof and protective to keep the rescue kit in good condition for when you really need it.
Shaped for ease of carry to help you get it to the work place
Includes carry handles and straps for comfort and security
Strong with reinforcements to cope with life in demanding environments
Can be fitted with “tamper tags” for peace of mind

GOTCHA Casualty Harness
Simple to fit harness for rescuing casualties
Fitting simplified by colour coded straps and instruction labels
Grab handle on rear to assist whilst manoeuvring casualty
Adjustable to fit a wide range of sizes - Folds neatly for transporting
Stainless steel fittings
Supplied with clear instructions and individually serial numbered certification
Pocket Inspection Guide
Approved to EN1497 and EN813
GOTCHA Casualty Harness
Ideal for moving a casualty safely in almost any rescue situation
Providing full body protection - Baskets can be -Dragged - Lifted across rough or muddy terrain - Horizontally or vertical with no affect to the patients well being.
Features - Spacious interior – large enough to accommodate rescue blankets for extra patient comfort - Complete with four movable patient restraints, padded inner and footrest for comfort and stability - Folds in two for storage
Benefits - Available in full or split versions - Four-point lifting bridle, hand holes for easy transporting and location points for patient restraints

SLIX 100 Kit
Kit comprises of:
SLIX100 Stretcher
Horizontal & Vertical Lifting Strop Carry Bag
Robust, compact & lightweight stretcher
Flexible material to a smooth finish
Allowing easy sliding - Can be rolled width ways or lengthways for easy transportation
No webbing passes under the stretcher preventing damage whilst dragging
Strong handles around the stretcher for manoeverability
Can haul vertically or horizontally
Lifting strops secure and allow the stretcher to mould round the casualty.
Conforms to CE 93/42/EEC CLASS 1
Max Recommended User Weight: 400KG
Width: 915mm
Length: 2300mm
Vertical Hauling Straps
Slix100 Stretcher
Rolled Stretcher with sewn carry handle
Slix100 Roll Top Bag

GOTCHA Stretcher
Lifting Bridle
Four Leg sling assembly
For lifting stretchers in line rescue operations
Each leg adjustable in length ensuring the casualty is supported at the correct angle
Individually serial numbered for traceability
Supplied with clear user instructions
Recovery Block
Retractable Type Fall Arrest Block
Designed to give workers freedom of movement and reduces the clearance height requirement in environments where they can be attached to overhead anchor points.
15m Steel Rope Fall Arrest Block
Alloy Double Action Hook for easy attachment to harness
Steel Karabiner for attachment to an anchorage sling, or bolt
15m maximum working length
150kg Maximum Load
Weight 8.9kg
Lightweight web design
Load indicator allowing quick check for evidence of shock loading
Supplied with clear instructions and individually serial numbered certification
Pocket Inspection Guide
CE approved to EN360

SpanSet Training the link between the Users and Products
Rescue and Evacuation Training
SpanSet rescue and evacuation courses are designed to provide our clients with all the necessary information, instruction and training to operate both safely and efficiently when faced with what could be a stressful situation. Our extensive training facilities allow us to simulate many real life rescue and evacuation situations. Training is essential before you use these kits. Choose the right course for you.

Training Courses
Height Safety for Industry
Work at Height on Vehicles
Industrial Rope Access
Height Safety For Rescue Courses for the Emergency Services
Police Height Safety Training
Load Restraint
Safe Lifting & Rigging
To book a course contact the training department on +44 (0) 1606 738529 or book online 24/7 at

ALWAYS CONSIDER THE HIERARCHY OF MEASURES WHEN WORKING AT HEIGHT Avoidance - Avoid all unnecessary work at height. Permanent access - Use walkways and gantries where possible Temporary working platforms - The use of scaffolding, cradles and mobile platforms Collective measures are preferable to personal measures - Handrails, safety netting, airbags or landing mats Personal measures can be split into three categories -
What you need to know!
They may still need care Call for medical assistance Get a qualified first aider to assess their injuries If in doubt seek medical advice
Lone working should be avoided Check that you have safe clearance below Always have a rescue plan PPE for arresting falls must include Anchorages that are rated to EN795 or equivalent A Full Body Harness correctly fitted A Fall Arrest Device that will: Ensure shock loads do not exceed 6kN Arrest the fall in a known distance Arrest the fall and prevent the user colliding with obstacles Connectors - suitable for linking the system Head Protection - A helmet that won’t fall off
There are many types of rescue available. You must plan to find the one for you. Always avoid placing others at unnecessary risk during the rescue. Improvised / unplanned recovery May be effective Can place rescuers at risk There is a risk of failure Planned / application specific Very effective if well planned and assessed May use a pre assembled kit such as a Gotcha Requires adequate training Must be at the workplace to be effective Permanent rescue team / emergency services They need to be aware of your needs in advance They must be able to get to you in time able to get to y They should be called even if you intend to use one of the other approaches
Footloops or temporary supports can reduce the effects of harness suspension. You must remember: It only works on conscious casualties It is not a replacement for rescue Appropriate use can: Give you more time to carry out the rescue Allow the casualty to move assisting circulation Help to relieve pressure from the harness Reduce or delay the complications of suspension To be effective it must be at the work site.
Even if you use suitable fall arrest equipment a fall will still be a traumatic experience You may collide with obstacles during the fall You may be unconscious or in shock Suspension in a harness if left unchecked can cause you problems - see section 4
If you are suspended after a fall you may experience pressure points from the harness that can cause pain and restrict your circulation. If this is left unchecked it can lead to; Tingling sensations in your limbs, dizziness and eventually a lack of consciousness. If you can move you may be able to relieve the effects, but you need to be rescued. A temporary aid may also help reduce the effects. If during the fall you are knocked unconscious then you will be unaware of these effects. They will still occur, but you will not be able to ease them and you need to be rescued. The effects can begin within a few minutes. Rescue should be carried out as quickly and as safely as possible. Ideally rescue should take no longer than 15-20 minutes. When the pressure is released from your harness, any trapped blood will be released into your system. This may cause complications and it is recommended that you seek medical assistance to monitor your condition. Tell them what happened and how long you were suspended.

European Standards dictate that all items of PFPE for work at height and all safety systems undergo a periodic examination by a competent person. In addition, in the UK, “BS 8437:2005 Code of practice for selection, use and maintenance of personal fall protection systems and equipment for use in the workplace.” Section 13.1.2 –States “Formal inspection procedures should be put in place by employers to ensure that personal fall protection equipment is given a detailed inspection (“thorough examination”) by a competent person before first use and at intervals not exceeding 6 months (or 3 months where the equipment is used in arduous conditions), and after circumstances liable to jeopardise safety have occurred. SpanSet can perform the thorough inspections required by legislation and/or equipment manufacturers. We can also provide training for Competent Persons and therefore the combination of your staff and our services can increase the safety and ensure compliance.
Annual Inspection & Testing Service
Product identification and asset management combined into one simple process
Allows you to easily manage all the components of your Personal Fall Protection Equipment
Clear identification of product with RFID technology
Instant access to your records from any location with the online IDXpert Net portal
Simplifies inspection recording and inspection planning
Attach images, data sheets, instructions to your records
Remote access to your certification records
Transfer between multiple locations or mobile locations
Perform inspections or audits remotely with the IDXpert Net Mobile reader
IDXpert Net

More From SpanSet
SpanSet Ltd.
Telford Way, Middlewich
Cheshire CW10 0HX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1606 737494
Fax +44 (0) 1606 737502
Height Safety
Load Control
CAPCHA Vehicle Fall Protection Systems
STOPPA Vehicle Fall Protection Systems
Safety Management Inspections, Servicing and Training
Lifting Systems
Tel National: 0861040506
Tel International: +27117925226
Cell: +27832514312
Unit 21, Acacia Industrial Park
17 Arbeid Avenue, Strydom Park.
South Africa.